Get Main Character Op Anime Characters Images. If you are the creator of this song or the owner of the pictures or company that own this anime and you don't want me to use them in my video. If i'm already going to imagine my life being the same as what's on screen… now if you're looking for options to do just that, here are our picks for the best anime series with an overpowered main character.
While the main character isn't necessarily doing the fighting, and this anime focuses more on psychology, this anime is certainly they only list off op characters from all different anime without providing why they're considered op in the context of that series.
Anime with an op mc character is what everyone likes to watch, but what if the hero is op but hide his power? Some anime characters are just too damn overpowered. Compared to these anime characters, goku's supposedly overwhelming strength is cute at best. Here are fifteen anime with overpowered main characters.